‘League Of Legends’ Update 10.18 Patch Notes Bring A Lot Of Changes

The new League of Legends patch is a big deal.

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Riot Games has released the patch notes for League of Legends update 10.18, and there are a lot of changes to wrap your head around. 

When it comes to champion updates most of them are somewhat minor balance changes designed to slightly nerf or buff some champions, such as Ashe who has a slight attack damage nerf from 61 to 59. Others with minor changes include Galio, Kog’Maw and Xin Zhao, who have all received small tweaks that should make them a little more balanced. 

When it comes to larger updates Ahri has been given perhaps the biggest makeover in this patch, with changes to her passive, Q and W abilities. The biggest change is that the Essence Theft from her Q is now her passive ability, with her old passive of 20% movement speed after landing two abilities in quick succession, being removed. Her W will, however, now grant 40% move speed that decays over 1.5 seconds, so the speed boost isn’t totally gone from her kit. 

“Ahri's identity and gameplay have become a little muddled over time, and she isn’t as charming as we’d like her to be,” reads the patch notes. “We’re making some kit changes, especially to her W, to reinforce an identity of a flighty mage who can weave in and out of fights as she looks for the perfect moment to strike. In addition, we’re also shifting her Essence thievery from her Q to her passive to open up more opportunities for her to reap its healing rewards when trading with enemy champions. Altogether, she should feel equipped to (spirit) rush into more combos and outplays.� �

The other big update that will impact your games is a change to the Guardian rune. The rune has been used by almost everyone recently, so a nerf was needed and now it has it thanks to a reduction in ability power. 

Finally, in the more mundane section of the patch notes, there are a number of bug fixes and quality of life updates to the League of Legends client and a number of visual effect updates for some abilities. There are also bug fixes outside of the client, and you can, of course, take a look at the PsyOps skins that will be released during this patch, which do admittedly look very cool. 

The patch will no doubt have a significant impact on your League of Legends games, so it probably is a good idea to have a read of the patch notes before you next jump into the rift.


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