5 Things We Want in League of Legends patch 10.19

League of Legends Patch 10.19 releases Sept. 16. While we know which champs will be getting nerfed or buffed, we can only speculate the scale of these changes.

With the League of Legends World Championship patch preview released, here are five things we want in the League of Legends Patch 10.19.

5 Things we Want in League of Legends patch 10.19 1. Senna team play

Senna has become a popular AD Carry pick and for good reason. She is a good team fighter due to her abilities either shielding, interrupting chases or increasing movement speed. Hopefully, in the new nerf, we see a reduction in shield granted from her ultimate or a weakened early game.

2. Nunu & Willup damage reduction

Paired with Phase Rush, Nunu & Willip are an unstoppable duo that plays off movement speed and sustain. However, Nunu & Willup do have the capability build AP rather than tank and when trapped in their ultimate, the damage is crippling. If Riot Games adjusts their damage output to encourage players to use tank builds, that could even out the jungle.

3. Sylas Jungle

Sylas has fallen out of the jungle and even has seen low pick rates in the mid lane. He is still a reliable dueler who becomes almost impossible to kill late game. However, Sylas has a slow clear speed which limits his already low gank potential early game. There is a possibility we see a boost in base damage for his Q ability, Chain Lash which would increase clear time.

4. Ivern return to relevance

Riot seems to be making small changes to junglers especially after League of Legends Patch 10.18 saw Jarvan IV and Xin Zhao receive buffs. Ivern has become a niche pick in the jungle who is a great utility jungler. We could see an increased root duration for his Q ability, Rootcaller, which would make it an even better engage option.

5. Udyr damage buff

Udyr's Phoenix form will be buffed in the League of Legends patch 10.19 and it will most likely be a damage change or perhaps a movement speed change. Udyr, similar to Sylas has fallen out of the jungle and has a low pick rate. Changes to his ultimate ability could make him a more valuable champ late game, where he normally falls off due to his lack of utility.


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