League of Legends patch 10.16 notes – Spirit Blossom Ahri, Cassiopeia, Kindred, Riven

As we hurtle headlong into summer, League of Legends patch 10.16 beckons. LoL patch 10.15 has gone live on the MOBA game's servers, and now it's time for more. LoL patch 10.16 has landed on the PBE testing grounds, so let's go take a peek at what's going on, shall we?

If you've been keeping an eye on the LoL scene of late, the new batch of cosmetic goodies on the PBE won't be a huge surprise to you. Seen those new Spirit Blossom skin splash art posts on the LoL Twitter channel? They're on the way with patch 10.16, and we've got in-game previews to share with you. Take a look to your heart's content below.

As for Champion balance changes, as is often the case when a new patch hits the PBE, there are no new tweaks or tinkerings to get a look at just yet. However, it's highly likely we can expect to see some arrive for testing in the next few days, so do keep checking back on these notes – we'll post everything you need to know right here.

Without further ado, to the LoL patch 10.16 notes!


As reflected in the 2020 League of Legends patch schedule, LoL patch 10.16 is due to go live on Wednesday, August 5, 2020. Maintenance times haven't yet been confirmed, but they usually begin at 03:00 AM PT for NA servers, 05:00 UK for EUW servers, and 03:00 CET for EUNE servers, and last for approximately three hours.

We'll post the exact downtimes right here when they're confirmed, which is usually the day before the patch goes live.

LEAGUE OF LEGENDS PATCH 10.16 ChampION CHANGES Champion Changes There's nothing to see in the way of upcoming Champion buffs, nerfs, and changes just yet – but do keep checking back on these notes as we'll likely see a bunch of balance adjustments hit the PBE very soon. LEAGUE OF LEGENDS PATCH 10.16 NEW SKINS Champion Skins Spirit Blossom Ahri – Legendary – 1820 RP

"The famed Spirit of Salvation, and the fox all mortals are beckoned towards when their souls arrive to the spirit realm. A capricious, whimsical spirit who sees the fate of the living as a game of chase, she offers the chance for souls to find their final rest… but will not intervene if they stray from the path."

Here's the SPIRIT BLOSSOM AHRI splash art:

Given SPIRIT BLOSSOM AHRI is a legendary skin, she's got some shiny new VO! Take a look:

Riot says on Reddit: "'Ahri leads the spirits of the dead through the afterlife to their final rest. While her role is to shepherd the departed, it is the soul's own decision to follow her… or wander from the path.' Spirit Blossom Ahri is leading lost souls through the Rift, featuring:

  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New animations and recall!
  • New VO!
  • Spirit Blossom Ahri is set to be 1820 RP."


    "Rumoured to have once been a beautiful princess, legend says Cassiopeia vanished into the mountains when her sister staged a coup, never to return. So great was her beauty, and so renowned her cunning, that a shrine was built to honour this 'spirit of temptation', until her story was accepted into popular folklore."

    Here's the SPIRIT BLOSSOM CASSIOPEIA splash art:

    Riot says on Reddit: "'Careful, now. I bite.' Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia is hitting the Rift with:

  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation!
  • Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia is set to be 1350 RP."

    Spirit Blossom Kindred – 1350 RP

    "In the Ionian tradition, the Kindred are interpreted as a child and her beastly companion, endlessly playing games with one another until they are called to perform their duties. The two do not know where they came from, but it is said they feel a sense of loss for someone they knew long ago…"

    Here's the SPIRIT BLOSSOM KINDRED splash art:

    Riot says on Reddit: "'They are not a dream. They are the waking. A new Kindred skin has arrived on PBE!' Spirit Blossom Kindred is hitting the Rift with:

  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation!
  • Spirit Blossom Kindred is set to be 1350 RP."

    Spirit Blossom Riven – 1350 RP

    "A brave warrior from an ancient land, Riven was ignobly cut down in the heat of battle thousands of years ago, her sword shattering in the process. Unable to find peace, she obsessively scours an otherworldly battlefield for pieces of her broken blade, possessed by a horrific darkness that guides her into oblivion."

    Here's the SPIRIT BLOSSOM RIVEN splash art:

    Riot says on Reddit: "'If you are wondering 'How should I proceed?"' the answer is: proceed to PBE and check out this new Riven skin!' Spirit Blossom Riven is hitting the Rift with:

  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation!
  • Spirit Blossom Riven is set to be 1350 RP."

    Here are the skin previews via Riot on Twitter:

    PBE Preview:

    🌸 Spirit Blossom Ahri, Cassiopeia, Riven, and Kindred! 🌸 pic.twitter.com/EPRmgefKg4

    — League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) July 21, 2020

    Those are all the notes for LoL patch 10.16 for now, but keep heading back to check them out as there's sure to be lots more to eyeball and delve into ahead of the patch's arrival very soon.

    Also be sure to go catch up on the LoL patch 10.15 notes – it's a big update, and there's plenty on the way, so you'll want to make sure you're in the know on what's about to drop now the patch is live. Plus, we have a LoL tier list which has all you need to now about the best League of Legends Champions to play in each role as of the latest patch.


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